Inspired by an architectural tower in Bangkok designed by David Collins, this sculpture is not identical on one side to the other.
The column is covered with more than 600 polished brass plates. A gunmetal finish was applied by electrolysis, a coat of varnish stabilizes and reinforces the decoration on metals.
The brass cubes of different sizes are gilded in 24-carat gold. A secret drawer opens with pressure. Meticulous work was necessary during nearly 150 hours by a highly qualified bronze assembler, Ludovic Lessassier, with whom I co-produced this unique work.
The House of CHARLES PARIS artisan has sublimated this work of art through a meticulous framework.

Unique piece
Designed by Michael Wagner
co-produced with Ludovic Lesassier
L. 30 x W. 30 x H. 203 cm